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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. I put mine on charge now and then. I have thought of getting one of those solar panels that are used by caravaners, and putting it on the workshop roof. Where you are high on the fell side a small 12v wind turbine might be an idea.
  2. Sorry! I don't have a photo and haven't even seen it.
  3. Posting this on behalf of an elderly friend. 1928 Morris Commercial breakdown/recovery truck. First registered 1/1/29. Complete with log book and some spares. It's had a complete strip down and bare metal restoration. Belonged to his late brother who ran a garage and recovery business. Asking price £12,000 but prepared to take a sensible offer over £8,000. For more information. Phone. 01697342888. Mr Ken Jackson. Wigton. Cumbria.
  4. There are products on the market that supposedly replace metal and machinable. See what a local engineering suppliers has to offer.
  5. That's not on, Gareth. Our Mazda got hit twice by other drivers. Both times their insurance paid out for repairs. Though the Mazda wasn't written off, most likely because it was then not two years old, the damage was substantial. We didn't even lose no claims bonus. That was about 5-6 years ago. So maybe the insurance companies have changed the way they do things. Bar stewards.
  6. So that's where Eddies got too.
  7. Don't have a clue what it is, but a very interesting machine.
  8. Looks a good day, George. And the weather was kind.
  9. Good to have something to do in retirement, Colin. Despite the popular belief some of the younger generation have, my lot included, we pensioners don't have money thrown at us. Myself I help out at a friends farm when needed. Helps with the bits and pieces I want for my tractors. I think most of us would like more workshop and storage space. I know I would. Would one of the local farmers let you have somewhere to store things in return for a bit of help? No harm in asking. Have a good Christmas. Norm.
  10. A deal has been struck. The tyres will be coming this side of the border.
  11. Hi Mike. I can't help you with your query, but hopefully some one will be able. Be interesting to see some photo's of your tractor and some info on it.
  12. I'm wondering if they'll fit the Black Horse? Slightly narrower section may help when ploughing. I could raise the fender a bit.
  13. Enjoyable video, Ian. I see you've finally cut Nigel down to size. And got him working.
  14. Good job Jonathan. Your right about cast cracking when welded. From what little I know, pre-heating can prevent it. I may have a run up tomorrow afternoon. Looking forward to hearing the V8 burble. I'll phone first.
  15. They're few and far between and seldom seen round here. Unless there's an RTC. Then they come from far and wide..
  16. I must admit I agree with Ian. Mudguards and a tool box under the seat.
  17. I agree. That's a good idea. You could do the same with the inlet manifold and remove any bumps and lumps from inside if possible.
  18. How do you know she shaves her legs?
  19. Machinery etc up at the farm is marked with Smart Water. The workshop now has a very loud alarm system. I must get the code or it could be embarrasing.
  20. Unfortunately we are not allowed to shoot the poor deprived unfortunates, who would rather steal than do honest work.
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