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Posts posted by ranger

  1. That is a NICE haul of Harrow spikes!!!! Your lucky the authorities weren't close by as there maybe a law against getting that kind of deal.  :lol:

    More likely  I would have been arrested and the spikes confiscated as offensive weapons! :P

    Oh that's a bugger, I have a zig-zag harrow with the square pins with thread on that are badly worn, ive welded them up now :( 

    When you've worn yours out Chris, give me a call, I'm sure I wont have used all of these up by then :D :D

  2. Got harrows coming out of my ears Norm, I bought a brand new set of three a year or so ago for , I think  £80.00p. I may use the large 'duck foot' tines to build a small cultivator though. I would like to have a go at building a 'Wheelhorse' size version of the  'Vicon'  style reciprocating power harrow with it's own engine. at least I've now got enough spikes to do it.  :)  :)  :) 


    p.s.  The thing that spoilt the day was, I couldn't claim the 20p VAT back ! :P

  3. You hope! :D  When the adrenaline goes up and the red mist comes down, caution gets thrown to the wind. :hyper:

    Red Mist ? does this mean Ian will attain such speeds that the paint will peel off :o :o


    Looking great Ian :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

  4. What PCD are the wheels Norm, I used JD mower deck spindles for my C121 front hubs. I'm sure I have some more, I think the pcd of these is around 100mm / 4"

    the bearing size is 3/4" so they go straight on. You can alter the track by just turning them round. if you want to try them, PM me and I'll send you a couple.



  5. Regarding a bit of play on hubs / shafts, if you have a decent lathe you could try 'knurling' the shaft to slightly increase it's diameter and also the rough finish gives a bit more grip. I used to do this to piston skirts on the old British bikes to cut down on piston slap ( 40 years ago ) when they were a bit worn.

  6. What happened to the original rod ? did it break or is it worn out ? If worn you could bore it slightly larger,and then possibly 'white metal' it, bore to just undersize then scrape to a fit.

    Try 'googling' re- metalling bearings and 'Babbit' metal.If you have a fairly accurate drill press,and a bearing scraper you could probably manage without the use of a lathe or mill.


  7. Not so sure about that as they used Villiers engines in their motor bikes. Particularly memorable the 250cc two stroke twin - either flat out or oiled up!

    I remember a chap who had one with a 'Wal Philips' fuel injector in the sixties, no float chamber,just a rotary tapered 'groove' if my memory serves me correctly, if you forgot to turn the petrol off when you stopped,it all ran out into the engine :wub: fuel tank was a different shape to the bikes of that era too I seem to recall.

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