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the showman

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Posts posted by the showman

  1. 10 hours ago, Ian said:

    Nice work Chris, I like the contrast between the freshly painted wheel and Bap's faded oiled bodywork :thumbs:

    Are you going to paint the front wheels and wheel weights?

    I don't think so Ian, Its only a working tractor and I don't want to get into painting bits

  2. 4 hours ago, slf-uk said:

    I love the look of your tractor Chris and it just keeps getting better with every change you make. Have you considered adding washer fluid to the rear tyres to add even more weight?



    I have thought about water ballast the rears but i'm going to try it first.

    I'll keep the thought as a plan "b" 

  3. 4 hours ago, Anglo Traction said:

    Nice job on the Wheels Chris !. Let me guess, you found another use for the Bathroom Scales? :).

    Weights are a handy addition and I note you also call it a C120.:thumbs:...is it a '74' or '75'?.  Look's good in Working Clothes

    Its badged up as a Raider 12 Richard, ive got it marked as a 1974

  4. Got my working wheelhorse out today, first job was to fit the refurbished rear wheels, change the standard seat for a heavier one and fit the wheel weights.

    taken off.

    two standand wheels 52lbs.

    standard seat.............11lbs.

    fitted on.

    two narrow wheels 48lbs.


    two rear weights.....100lbs.

    so total extra is 122lbs, I'm pleased with that and should help with traction 








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