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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2015 in Posts

  1. 3 points


    In the cutlery drawer?
  2. 2 points


    While at John's today, digging out more of the Bolen Stash, we heard a noise from an old caravan which had been partly crushed by a tree brought down in a storm a few years ago. This caravan had been used to store furniture etc and was almost full and very difficult to see inside due to being covered with undergrowth. After calling and getting no answer I took a few random flash photo's, not being able to see much at all, and managed to get a ( not too clear ) picture of the culprit. The only way we could get this person to emerge, threats to call the police etc had no effect, was to offer him a cup of tea. This did the trick and he was out instantly, covered with cobwebs and probably bugs too. Asked how he got here, guessing he was an illegal immigrant, he said he had stowed away in a red sprinter van which has been seen nearby on a few occasions recently. We eventually sent him on his way, but he threatened to return saying that he liked exploring at John's, even though all of the red stuff has gone.
  3. 1 point

    I did it again, More Wheel Weights

    I couldn't help myself and probably wont be able to again if I can find a set of 15" inside wheel weights for a D series Wheel Horse. My 1975 Allis Chalmers 716H was the last Allis/Simplicity machine without wheel weights, I had to buy them, I just had to. Now I have to figure out how to acquire 650 in cash to go get another tractor 400 miles away. I don't have a job, I don't want to sell anything, I'm way past selling my body, or so the wife says, lol. So now I have to get creative, hmmm.
  4. 1 point


    I got a shovel and a mattock....
  5. 1 point

    I did it again, More Wheel Weights

    Alain, is that the GT you and I talked about recently? Like those weights by the way.
  6. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    How are you planning to fit the dukes of hazard air horns now you have removed the horn circuit?
  7. 1 point


    Still got my digger, great back saver Iain
  8. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    Thanks Mark, I'm not sure what's going to happen with the dash. I may change it at a later date for something more Wheel Horsey.. We shall see. Thanks Iain Don't worry Max the raw steel look will be staying for now.. Today I managed to get the ignition barrel fitted.. Space is getting a bit tight in there! Marking out the correct place to drill a hole through the panel for the ignition barrel was interesting to say the least, but I'm happy with how it turned out. The barrel is flush with the panel.. While I was drilling holes in that area I also fitted the choke control. And now onto a part of the build I was dreading... Sorting out the electrics!!! I forgot to take a photo of the wiring loom before I started but once all the old insulation tape was removed (a horrible sticky job!) I worked out which bit's of the loom I needed and which could go.. This is the removed pile, basically all the lighting, brake lights, indicator, and horn circuits.. The loom draped over so I could work out what has to go to where.. Starting to look a bit better, well tidier at least If all goes to plan I hope to have the wiring done and the engine fired back up tomorrow.. Fingers crossed I didn't cut any wires I shouldn't have And for your viewing pleasure here's the latest WN video... It's a bit of a long one so best get a drink ready beforehand
  9. 1 point


    I may have a punt on the digger when the time comes Alan
  10. 1 point


    No badge Chris, but a few Wheelhorse stickers over the RED paint will convince Iain and Andrew that it's NOT a Bolens.
  11. 1 point
    the showman


    We spent an hour chopping down brambles to get to a shed down the bottom only to find it contained 2 push bikes 2 mowers and a paraffin heater, but NO forks, didn't see them in the caravan either only a load of old furniture
  12. 1 point


    How dare you talk about our Chris like that. Anyway, he only has two legs, not the usual eight. On second thoughts, at the speed he shot out of the caravan when we mentioned tea, maybe he did have more than two. And he likes Red.
  13. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    Looks great so far! I know your air brush skills are very good, but i'm a lover of the raw metal style
  14. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    Fantastic attention to detail, it looks great. Iain
  15. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    Looking good, sounds like you need a custom sticker for the dash
  16. 1 point


    I agree. John and I were relieved when we finally sent him packing.
  17. 1 point
    the showman


    Now i know what its like to go pot holeing, there was some of the biggest spiders i have ever seen in there and im sure there was something else watching me. At least we know theres only furniture in there and no red bits but it did settle my curiosity
  18. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    Evening chaps, today has been all about metal.. To cover the hole that normally has a plate with an ammeter fitted I made up this plate... The curved bit covers the steering column where it pokes through under the dash. I forgot to take any photo's of it so have a snap taken from the video footage. Working out where and how to mount the ignition barrel was fun. It will go under the dash towards the left which will mean drilling a hole through my freshly made panel above.. Here's the mounting bracket next to the barrel.. The bracket also stops the bike steering lock pin from popping out should the key be turned the wrong way.. And onto today's main attraction... The dashboard.. In my haste to get it to fit yesterday I ground a bit too much metal off on the bottom corners. It would of been easy to ignore the gaps if they hadn't of bugged me so much.. So... Off came the dash panel, the offending corners were cleaned up and clamped to a small slab of brass.. Extra MIG metal added to build the corner back up.. One gentle tap later the brass came off the dash.. This is the underside.. You can see where the weld picked up some dirt from the brass. Some very careful grinding later and the corners were sorted On a roll now 3 holes were drilled for warning lights and the starter switch, before I attacked the dash panel with this flap wheel thingy in the pillar drill. The end result after a couple of coats of clear lacquer looked like brushed stainless.. I like the look but I'm now wondering if my airbrush paint will still be any good after 7 odd years, and if I have any fine line masking tape
  19. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Nigel.

    108 I think
  20. 1 point

    wheel horse c161 rotovator

    no i dont have the 2 pullys underneath the drive pully/clutch i first thought that i would be using the 2 pullys on the front belt tentioner but i can now see from your pic and a bit of digging around on the manuals you sent me ive got the middle idler assembly missing so ill have to get the lathe dusted down to see what i can come up with lol :hyper:
  21. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Nigel.

    Well at least you didn't say 18th Century.
  22. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Nigel.

    88 ??
  23. 1 point

    My RAF Trusty

    Hello all finished my Trusty Tractor on Saturday just awaiting a new plate to complete the restoration so here is some pics for you to look at hope you like them I love it
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