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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2015 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Rural Past Times Aug 8/9

    Slight change of plan, I will be there Saturday now (was just going to be Sunday) Sounds like a good weekend, hope we get the weather !!
  2. 3 points

    Agricultural Protest in Belgium

    And how many are paid for, Mark. Unfortunately, for every one of those, there's 20 just getting by. My mates youngest son's wife earns more child minding 5 days a week, than he does 7 days a week and long days. Anyway, I'll say no more. I'll just get worked up.
  3. 2 points

    Project "Why Not"

    Thanks mate Well, what a day it has been.. Busy busy busy.. Some boring stuff like bolting the seat down, and a slight rewire of the "dead mans plug" when I found the engine had lost it's spark.. A photo of one of the steering lock stoppers.. The steering wheel has a new center.. I think you will approve Putting heat wrap on the exhaust down pipes was not fun.. Very itchy stuff! To dry the heat wrap out I thought I'd go for a gentle potter about the place to heat the pipes up.... This is where I found a problem and is why under bonnet now looks like this.. The last time I drove WN the engine started to cough and pop a bit. I thought it was just really low on fuel and left it at that.. Today the coughing and popping continued even with a full full tank, and then I found out it was only running on one cylinder!!! With Karl's help (thanks mate ) by swapping the coils and spark plugs from side to side we were able to rule them out, which is just as well as I would not stand a chance of getting replacements before the weekend!! So I thought I would give it a bit of a hard drive to try and clear out the problem... 2000rpm.. Sluggish.. 4000rpm.. Sluggish.. 6000rpm... The second cylinder kicked in and gave the engine so much power it felt like a turbo going to full boost in a second! So below 6000rpm sluggish, above 6000rpm = Hold on Which can only mean a blocked jet in the right side carb..... So you can guess what I'm doing tomorrow
  4. 2 points

    Project "Why Not"

    Thanks guy's, you don't have long to wait More progress today, I fitted a couple of stoppers to limit the steering lock a tad and stop the calipers from hitting the axle, but I forgot to take a photo.. A battery cut-off switch is now fitted.. And the empty headlamp hole now has a cover... Sorry Nigel, I just had to go for the brushed steel look to match the dash panel.
  5. 1 point
    Ah that f*ckfest of a plant, over here it's called berenklauw. I see those quite a lot and people here know not to touch it. These don't het destroyed by authoritys as dat as i know because(these are not my words) it's nature, it should be left alone
  6. 1 point
    Try it. You'll find more strings attached to knit a dozen vests. The thing is, farmers are not wanted to farm, just be custodians of the countryside. But not as they have been since time immemorial, but to the environmentalists rules.
  7. 1 point

    i thought you boys would like this

    show offs!!! I'm gonna make a tractor with a motorbike engine in ...damn it's been done before
  8. 1 point
    Things are bad for the smaller farms here. Especially dairy and sheep. The price they get for milk, barely covers the cost of production. Of the 4 farms nearest me, only one still has dairy cows. And the rules and regulations imposed on farmers now, mainly due to the environmentalists, beggars belief.
  9. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    Looking the mutts Ian
  10. 1 point

    Rural Past Times Aug 8/9

    I certainly hope so. Unless I get lost in the deep south.
  11. 1 point

    Rural Past Times Aug 8/9

    See you all there chaps
  12. 1 point
    Just won another R26 this evening on that well known auction site, more complete than the first one Photos on here when I pick it up on Sunday
  13. 1 point

    JCB Solite Hydraulic Power Pack.

    Thank you Richard for the offer of help, im hopping to track down some used spares as the pennies are a bit tight at the moment, but may have to resort to new parts if no joy. Today I carried on with the hydraulic oil tank. As I had NOS oil filler top and filter in the workshop I thought it would be stupid not to fit them. Tommorrow I going to hunt out a better filter condition guage as the one fitted is past overhauling. I have also nearly finished stripping the frame down, (just a few bends to reverse and the under side of the rear panel left).
  14. 1 point
    Anglo Traction

    JCB Solite Hydraulic Power Pack.

    Nice looking set of Power units you're restoring Gareth. As for B&S parts, I don't hold any, but if you need any help to ID and find a source for the bits you need, I'll be happy to help. Just need the Engine Model/Spec and Serial numbers first if you can post them up.
  15. 1 point
    next weekend sedlescome, sussex-kent border
  16. 1 point

    i thought you boys would like this

    done it been there
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