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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2016 in all areas

  1. 6 points

    Just had...

    Just had a phone call from a man with a very strong Asian accent. Phoning about my computer. Conversation went something like this. There's a fault with it, he said. Oh really? I've not noticed anything. Is it switched on? Yes. Do such and such. (I didn't) Can you see such and such? No. This went on for some time. He saying do this. Me doing nowt. I didn't touch my computer at all. Eventually he said is was ok now and for fixing it I had to pay. Could he have my bank details. "Certainly," I said. "Give me a minute." Out to the Disco I went and got the whistle I use when rally marshalling. Back to the phone and " I've got my bank details here", said I. "Can you let me have them," Said he. "Here you are", said I. I let him have them alright. A good long loud shrill blast. Hope I've burst the crooks ear drum.
  2. 2 points
    brought back from france after cutting 3 acrers of tall grass and brambles they recon this will go through most things, does anyone know about these, its not my cup of tea so it will be for sale at some point. its 1981 vintage
  3. 2 points

    MOTOBECANE picked this up today its french

    It smells of onions to
  4. 2 points
    id of made you an offer but being french and left hand drive
  5. 2 points

    Just had...

    their stupidity knows no bounds!
  6. 2 points
    Dont know anytning about it but it reminded me I had a Motobecane moped back in the 70's.
  7. 2 points

    New workshop

    Damp proof membrane is to stop damp coming up through the floor, Rhys. Put it down.
  8. 1 point

    stiga villa

    got given an old stiga with a knackerd deck, so ian and i converted it for carrying trays of plants around the nursery
  9. 1 point

    E- tank.

    I know this subject is posted elsewhere, but as I decided to make a bigger one, I thought I'd do an update. Actually, certain persons told me too. So first a plastic drum was procured from up at a mates farm. Next, the top was cut off. I had these hooks that are for hanging florescent lights from. After cleaning the paint off the hook and the back, they were fitted to the drum. Two eye bolts were also fitted opposite to each other. These for wire or some sort of support to hang the work piece from. Copper wire was secured behind the hooks and out through a hole drilled in the side. Also a wire and crocodile clip secured to one of the eye bolts. The later will attach to the work piece. Sacrificial anodes were made using some box section with copper wire attached, so they could be hung from the hooks. I had an 18v battery charger for a cordless drill lying about, so this has been modified to provide the electric current. The blue wire, negative, is attached to the copper wire running round the inside of the tank. The brown wire, positive, is attached to the eye bolt with the wire and clip on. All that's left now is to fill it with water and add washing soda and it should work. The top will be fitted upside down to act as a cover. Why upside down? The barrel after being cut and having bits bolted to the sides, is distorted. Upside down it fits grand as owt.
  10. 1 point

    stiga villa

  11. 1 point

    Just had...

    Well done Norm, Although you'll probably now be sued for assault ! We get these calls quite frequently, They start off saying their from Windows, but when questioned, "Windows what ?", they seem confused, Jane usually lets them go through their spiel, then says "this is strange, I don't have a computer!" My favorite is " This is D.C. (my initials) Hall, Cambridgeshire I.T. Fraud Squad, can I ask to whom I'm speaking?", the response is invariably "CLICK" as they hang up.
  12. 1 point

    stiga villa

    Brilliant idea
  13. 1 point

    stiga villa

    exellent project, this doesnt look out of place
  14. 1 point
    I think the easiest way is to make/copy some. I made my own rockshaft - theres a thread on here on my sons C-121
  15. 1 point

    E- tank.

    A car battery charger will be able to supply a lot more current than a charger for a cordless. As far as I understand the more surface area the more current required? 24v at 10amps would be ideal for a tank that size. I would probably go far a mains variac and a rectifier but not cheap.
  16. 1 point

    Just had...

    Well done mate, thieving bastards
  17. 1 point

    East Sussex Horticultural Play Day

    Back home now from an enjoyable day at the East Sussex Horticultural Play Day at Chiddingly A variety of pedestrian machines from Farmers Boy and Colwood to Iron Horse and Auto-Culto, together with our International Cub Cadet 128 and two Wheelhorses (and the newly restored and very nice trailer) from The Showmans stable had a go in the rather solid clay ground with varying degrees of success Catering was handled by Wendy my dear wife (when she wasn't flying round on the Cub Cadet - it is her tractor after all) and I think all present had a fun day, this could well turn into an annual event . Here's some photos...
  18. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    You should try driving it, Ewan.
  19. 1 point

    The Cushtyman

    It's going to be an interesting project for sure A few up to date photo's of the Cushyman for ya.... Not much has changed other than the wooden sides and a big sticker stuck on the front..
  20. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    I'm sure some dirt will make a guest appearance at some point Norm A bit of an update for you chaps.. The braking system has been cleaned up and painted.. Here's the two master cylinders... The brake calipers and mountings got the same treatment. I still need to bleed the air out the system, always a fun job with lot's of fresh paint nearby! The headlamp blanking plate was rubbed down, repainted, mud somehow stuck in the fresh paint, left to dry, rubbed down yet again and repainted again! For some reason this small panel has been the most troublesome paint wise and as you can see it's still not looking great! The white on the steering wheel center had faded quite a bit, so I gave it a careful repaint in IH white... I don't want the gloss look so the white will be very carefully flattened back to take the shine away. Today was bled the brakes day.. The rears which were empty of brake fluid bled really easy, which was nice.... The fronts for some reason just didn't want to let fluid through! Lot's of faffing about including checking the calipers were actually working (they were) produced almost no brake pressure! So... I moved the master cylinder up in line with the rear cylinder to give it more pedal leverage..... Now the front brakes work really well Oh... And this happened today
  21. 1 point

    Newby Hall 11th 12th june

    Jonathan, Not that I was planning to go but will be on our way to Mexico for our 25th Anniversary so not available anyway. Neil
  22. 1 point

    East Sussex Horticultural Play Day

    Last lot of photos, ending with the traditional group photo...
  23. 1 point

    East Sussex Horticultural Play Day

    More photos...
  24. 1 point

    New workshop

    Started ground works, pad is about 5" might reduce the thickness if I can find some hardcore FOC!
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