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  1. 2 points
    Hi all, I mentioned in my Hanging up my spurs thread that a certain something I had really enjoyed making had pointed me in a new direction (with the added bonus it can be done in a much smaller space (soon to be built)) to go. The said build as you will of guessed is a power crossfeed conversion on my lathe.. I didn't take any photo's along the way as it wasn't really a planned build, it just sort of happened slowly over time.. But here's a short video I made out it.. Some of you will remember the coolent system was basically a Ford P100 washer bottle with built in pump. Powered by this model railway controller. Well, the Ford pump eventually died and as luck would have it I had a twin pump washer bottle from a Volvo kicking about the place. Only one pump is running at the mo but it is now powered by a twin controller unit which will come in handy for powering the other pump.. Why two lots of coolent you ask? There are times mostly when drilling through a long length of bar, that the bar starts to get very hot.. So if I can cool the bar as well as the drill action end of things I might as well.. The Volvo washer bottle even has a "low level" warning thingy built in, so I might as well use it and wire in a warning light A few pics The new coolent bottle/pump. Not the best of photo's, the twin controller is next to the 80mph sign. You can see the old control unit which is now used for sideways action I have been thinking about making a milling plate thingy so I could also use my lathe as a mill, the face plate is only plonked in place to get my brain chewing ideas over.. If you take the lump of ally out the chuck and put in a milling bit you will get the idea of what I'm on about.. The lathe will give me "in & out" an "side to side", but how to do "up & down" and rotate would be nice... HHmmm..... Some thinking to be done.. But before any of that happens I need to think about repowering the lathe... For many many years the little Southbend was powered by this 3/4hp electric motor which I still have tucked away in a box. Then 2 - 3 years ago during a lathe bench rebuild it was repowered using this monster (in size) motor taken from a compost mixing/potting machine.. Short of power it's not! 2.2 kw = 2.9911hp so near a damit 3hp! So why am I thinking of repowering my lathe again? 3HP must be enough!! Well, there's two reasons... As all my tools and bit's will be moving to a much smaller space, the current motor on the lathe sticks out the back of the bench a fair way, so the lathe has to be quite a way out from a wall, which would waste space in a small place! Also the 3HP motor must use a fair amount of electricity, so something that uses less would be better.. Which is where this lump of metal and motor come in to things. Quite out of the blue I was offer a dyna-mix treadmill the other day, and having seen a few people on the Retro Rides Car Forum use the motors to power something I said yes. As you can see above the important end was soon chopped of and the rest scrapped.. Apart from the controls of course The motor is 1 1/4HP but as the original motor was only 3/4HP it should have enough uummpphh! So what's your thoughts on this repower chaps? Will the motor be up to the job? What will be nice if it works is speed control at the touch of a button.. I just need to think of a use for the incline motor.
  2. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Stop that Chris, your bring me to tears! Yes it was a big decision, but in the end I just had to listen to my knees and hips, and then admit they were right.. They just can't do it any more.. Yep, we have certainly had some great fun over the years Ta for the offer of help and/or a chat, I need to get skype sorted... (Jot's it down on todays "To Do" list) I was down your way Monday, time was very short or I'd of sent you a text to put the kettle on.. Next time though.. You both look after yourselves, catch up with you soon. Thanks Norm, yesterday was a bit of a milestone health wise for my Wife when her Oncologist said, "I hope we never meet again"... Ahhh yes, I remember you thrashing Wh Not around the track out the back of the nursery, great times.. I always enjoy watching others enjoy my builds Ta for the best wishes mate, it would be cool to catch up at some point if your down this way Thanks Paul, feel free to pop in when your in Hawkhurst.. I will still be here, just the other side of the main road Thanks Alan, sometimes life throws curved balls at you, the only option is just to get on with it. Thanks for following my posts over the years, there will be plenty more posts to come once the new workshop is up and running. Ta for the best wishes, I shall pass them on to Mandy Thank you Sir... You need to make the decision that's best for you be it physically and/or mentally... I'm really struggling with the physical side of things, but mentally I need something to do to keep the ol brain cells active.. Option 1.. Scale down the things I can build to a size my body can physically cope with to keep the brain active.. Option 2.. Sell everything, spend the rest of my life watching re-runs of Jeremy Kyle and dribbling a lot as the intelligence is slowly sucked out of me!!! No contest really HI mate, yeah it's been a mad few years with plenty of mad builds, but your right, I have become a bit of an old fart over many months.. You slowing down!!! Your collecting stuff to fill up my workshop before I've even left it yet Hi Richard, it's a shame on the dowsize, but at least I will have a lot less distance to walk to the toilet I remember that chat well the last time we met! Don't worry, my chin will stay up Thanks dude, I'm not sure about the "sizable legacy" bit, I've just been doing what I like doing and posting it up. I'm not moving on, more like moving a mile & half closer to home Hi mate, yeah some good times were had.. How can we forget the GT-14 bar The leg end lives on?? What me foot? Let me know when your down this way.... Curry and chips ok with you? Hi Andrew, that's a bit of a late thank you! It was a pleasure to have you visit the shack, I will have a shack to visit, it will just be quite a bit small.. same old friendly coffee service though.. Thanks Guy's, sorry you will miss the WH builds, but I hope you enjoy my new smaller builds, going places I've never gone before.. Here's a link to what sort of thing I will be doing. Smaller Project Link Wow, thanks for all the great replys guy's, sorry it's taken a while to reply back, it's just taken all morning to reply to your replys I wonder if the name "UkShedBloke" is available on YouTube
  3. 1 point
    Good to see your brains still working OK. I should think the motor should work ok. It's got two choices. It should or it won't.
  4. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Very sorry to hear about the difficult times you and your wife have been through and your WH builds will be missed. We continue to follow you on your new projects. Very best wishes Iain and Joseph
  5. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Ian, sorry to read about this and I must thank you for your warm welcome to MOM a few years ago when I saw your WHs at the Shack. Best wishes to you both Andrew
  6. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Sad times Ian, we had some good times in the shack and loved bring part of some of your crazy schemes! the shop might be closing, but the legend lives on... give me regards to Mandy. Really need to get down and see you soon.
  7. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    You have left a sizable legacy here and should be proud of that, we all have to move on, it's a fact of life. Concentrate on the family and your health, Hoping that happiness will follow .
  8. 1 point
    Hi Ian , Shame you're having to downsize and localise your operation. It's hard having to deal with these kinds of serious blows. As mentioned when we last met up, I know exactly what you and and especially your wife have gone through. I've been doing the same with machines and W/Horses where I only play with small light work now and enjoy the space I now have, but I had a choice, where you perhaps have not. Chin up and just tick over within your limits. Best wishes for you both.
  9. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Yes ime sorry to see you go Ian we have had a lot of laughs over the years and both done some mad things, but I have watched your struggle every day, and I agree you are doing the right thing by going to smaller projects that you can manage, the only problem is my workshop has just got a lot bigger and ime supposed to be slowing down as well😂
  10. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    I can only echo the sentiments and best wishes of the others, I have had more than my own share of issues over the last year and now find myself faced with the same decision, having spent many hours enjoying the crazy but technical builds you have put together you will be sorely missed. All the very best to you and your wife.
  11. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Sorry to hear of your troubles Ian. Don't know you as well as others but liked following your posts and will continue when the new workshop is up and running. Best wishes to you and the Mrs.
  12. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Sorry to hear this news Ian, kept meaning to pop down to deepest Hawkhurst and see you and Nigel Hope all goes well mate, keep in touch Paul and Wendy
  13. 1 point

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    Very sorry to hear about the traumatic time you and your better half have been having Ian. It's been a pleasure to have met you and to follow your crazy builds. The memory of driving your Honda V twin powered creation, will stay with me as long as I can remember. Wishing you both all the best and hope to see you next time I make it down south.
  14. 1 point
    the showman

    The time has come to Hang up my Spurs

    I’m so shocked and surprised to read this Ian i was almost in tears as i read this to Pam. Its a big decision to make and I’ve been close to it myself over the last few months as you know with Pams Health and family problems. I like to think we’ve had some fun over years and I’ve enjoyed your builds ( and driving them ) as well as the videos. If you need any help or just want to chat I’m only a phone call away and if your down my way you’re always welcome to coffee. Best wishes to you and your other half Mate and take care. Chris & Pam.
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