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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2017 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Very pleased to have Triumph 66 visit me today, it was nice to spend some time with him over 2 cups of tea and have a catch up. Of cause he wanted to look in the sheds and see the Raider burst into life. Then it was time to go and obviously I couldn't let him go without him buying something red off me so we rang out his wallet and even helped him load up.
  2. 4 points

    Early xmas present !

    Opps ! How did that happen ? I was driving down the road and I found this in my trailer Just bought another tractor. Allen Oxford Motostandard with finger bar mower and including a gen owners and parts manual. Everything works great and the only missing thing is one front indicator lens is missing . Now need some long grass to mow .
  3. 3 points

    Nice to have visit from Triumph 66

    E It was good to meet both Chris and Steve at the Showman's House this afternoon. I left Devon this morning having filled up the van with a mower deck and two implements for Jamie in Portsmouth to swap for a set of Bolens Disc Harrows for my Ride a Matic. Got rid of three implements for one implements. I then drove over to Chris Bolens outside Worthing where I bought a Bolens Ride A Matic front cylinder mower. That's 2 items now in my van. Still better than having three implements to store. I had a good natter with Chris and Leisa was an absolute gem providing lunch and two cups of coffee. After that I drove over to Peace Haven to see Chris and his WH project where I met the amusing Steve who regaled me with tales of his classic motorbikes. I do like that WH by the way and it fired up happily on my arrival with exhaust fumes in the shed where Chris was working his magic. I had a couple of cups of tea with Chris who then hoodwinked me into buying a chain harrow with red paint. I was frankly shocked at his boldness but he sweetened the deal by throwing in a working bench grinder in the deal which I shall use to grind off the red paint.... To top it all I started the day with three implements and ended the day with three implements.
  4. 2 points

    Nice to have visit from Triumph 66

    You'll have to pay me a visit, Andrew. I'm sure I'll have something I can offload sell you.
  5. 2 points

    Nice to have visit from Triumph 66

    Bet you felt like Harry. Hoovering up anything in your way Great to catch up Andrew & take your money
  6. 2 points
    Sorry Andrew.
  7. 2 points
    I see Mr Durrant lending a hand then Chris !
  8. 2 points

    Early xmas present !

    Very nice. App these cutter bars work well
  9. 2 points

    Wheelhorse from bits

    And load it in your van
  10. 1 point

    Wheelhorse from bits

    I popped into Chris this afternoon to see this project. Though a stout Bolens Man through and through, i did appreciate the work he done on this Raider. Who ever buys this will be in a winner in my view. I did like his Cub Cadet though...... .
  11. 1 point

    Nice to have visit from Triumph 66

    Flat pack, Alan.
  12. 1 point

    Nice to have visit from Triumph 66

    I ain't that bad
  13. 1 point
    Yes Paul, he must of heard the kettle.
  14. 1 point

    Early xmas present !

    A site dedicated to John Allen of Oxford http://johnallenofoxford.webs.com/apps/forums/show/2345422-general-discussion and a forum dedicated to Motostandard, Gutbrod, and ELF http://www.gutbrod.co/viewforum.php?f=7&sid=618a8bafc39b2d94f1075a5eb0f6ed84
  15. 1 point
    the showman

    Wheelhorse from bits

    I don't think so Chris, Andrew is a Bolens man and hasn't been converted yet.
  16. 1 point
    Hi The board is of a BMB walk behind here is my recent add on. the stay at the back of the board and a scotch skimmer until my skimmer disc arrives thank you for your interest Here is another part of of the plough that has to be trialled at least it will look the part
  17. 1 point
    the showman

    Wheelhorse from bits

    Started the day by snapping a terminal on the ignition switch, after an hour of raking through boxes I found another one. that fitted i went on with the fuel tank and pipes also a new filter, found a rearlight so that went on and wired up, bolted down the seat and prepared the underside of the hood.
  18. 1 point

    Wheelhorse from bits

    Think we should call this Raider of the lost parts
  19. 0 points

    Nice to have visit from Triumph 66

    No good visiting John's place again Andrew. There's nothing left. Unless you want a caravan. Chris will tow it home for you. He's good at towing caravans.
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