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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. The main problem with the unidrive, probably the hydro as well, is the main ball bearing is now obsolete. Remember what I had to do.
  2. Stormin

    gutbrod seat

    Darn it! Missed it!
  3. Just a point while on the subject of trans. If possible, get the rear wheels clear of the ground and see if you can lift each wheel. If you can, then the needle roller bearings are worn. That could lead to big problems. See my C120 refurb thread.
  4. I had one of those. Unfortunately it had been used for some time with the rear axle bearings gone. So much so that the casings were so worn as to be oval. The rest of it was pretty rough as well. The front axle is now on my dolly and engine and some other bits and pieces in store. The rest went for scrap.
  5. I agree with you there, Neil. I've always found when you have someone to work with, it is much better than working alone.
  6. After reading that account, I think I'd be putting in a complaint against the police for negligence and, unless recovered, compensation. I'd be writing to the local papers as well.
  7. Carol says a washing tub.
  8. Foot bath for shire horses.
  9. Methinks some serious drainage work required.
  10. Certainly an improvement on the first photo. In the 4th photo of tonight, is that Ian's pet parrot on his left arm?
  11. Something I've just noticed as well. I can see why my C81 is so noisy. The exhaust has had the bit with the small bore pipe cut off and replaced with the large bore outlet.
  12. Have you plated those tracks, Jonathan?
  13. If you look at the photo' Alain, you will see the shackle. By the shackle is a piece of flattened box section. That is slipped over the arm on the slot hitch, that the shackle was originally attached to. The hitch for the plough slides into the slot hitch.
  14. The reason for the turnbuckle, Alain, is so the cable can still be connected to the slot hitch.
  15. Did a comparison today and the plough is slightly easier to lift with the mod. What it will be like buried in the ground is to be seen.
  16. Good showing of horticultural stuff, Paul.
  17. Same up here, Koen. But we don't have the modern stuff either.
  18. No shame in coming last in your first comp', Koen. Hopefully you'll get better and have more equal competition.
  19. Being at somewhat of a loose end today, as heavy rain put paid to my plans for outside work, I've spent the day in the workshop. After a bit of tidying up and some work on my Saxon trailer, my thoughts turned to ploughing. Chris's mod came to mind, so the afternoon was spent modifying my in a similar way. One thing I didn't want to do was fit a longer cable. After a bit of thinking the result is below. I did find the cable clamps etc very close to the fuel tank, despite being off set. So a piece of modified box section is now in place on the sleeve hitch, which keeps things well away from the tank. Next thing is to fit the plough, buried at this time somewhere in the workshop.
  20. Defrost the fridge , Jonathan. Free distilled water.
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