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C-101plowerpower last won the day on July 29 2018

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About C-101plowerpower
  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/16/1994
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  • Location
    buurse, overijsel, the netherlands
  • Interests
    anything and everything with an combustion engine
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  1. nice, i'd love to see a seperate build thread on it
  2. happy belated birthday Norm, hope you had a good one
  3. A little update on this one, its sold, but, fear not. its gone to a mate who's been eyeing it up since i got it. he'll probably have it finished in no-time since he's in the restoring bussiness. from what i've been told he wants to build a dozer blade for it and level his garden with it i told him to let me know when its operational so i can atleast have a drive on it
  4. nice, i had one of those without the frame, sold it recently. do have documentation on it still B&S Model N, NP manual.pdf
  5. the one you're working on seems to be in the sabo roberine collours so guessing its a transition model
  6. i've seen one of those before, they had one at the sabo-roberine plant i worked
  7. http://www.wheelhorseforum.com/files/file/3442-tractor-1979-c-series-late-om-wiringpdf/
  8. went and drove two hours one way today to visit one of the biggest shows of the netherlands and took some pictures(took more but my phone didn't save them) thats all
  9. this project came about after a few beers(best ideas come when drinking) we had a vw caddy that wouldnt run(ecu went swimming) and a dodge daytona with a broken steering rack and after some carefull guesstimating we started hacking the two apart to make one. its still a work in progress since we cant shift from the driving seat and we lost drive thats the front end of a dodge daytona shelby z and here's the caddy lowered on to it and here's a little vid from the first propper test drive https://photos.app.goo.gl/HBhnE4hMhRuK1vvk7
  10. dont think those front wheels will be on the ground alot absolute madness, i love it
  11. i use bkt's for plowing, they look the same and work fine as long as i dont plow to deep. these should do fine
  12. nice looking machine, do wonder, do those tracks fit on other tractors? like a wheel horse
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