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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2016 in Posts

  1. 7 points

    Martin Markham Colt Deluxe with FEL

    Yours looks great Paul, all very original! Are you taking it to any shows this year? I put all mine roughly together this morning to see what it looks like when it's all assembled. I'm quite impressed by it.. Tom
  2. 5 points

    Project C1-4x6

    Hi all as I mentioned earlier I kept having chain issues with the rear drive so i ordered new pilot bore sprockets Similar to What Mark used in fact I have copied his very clever idea on mounting them ( I asked him first if I could copy him ) any way now that my lathe is up and running I bored out the brake drums and the sprockets here's is what I have done
  3. 4 points

    Ransomes ITW

    Malvern is getting close so I Started to make the rear drawbar hook that was used to clasp the canal barge tow ropes, it's cut from 1" thick plate and 1" bar bent to shape. I need to taper the round bar and mill a slot so they can be pinned together, then make the latch lever.
  4. 3 points
    the showman


    Nice to meet up with Iain again, was a back breaking job with those heavy bits but I think we all enjoyed the rummage
  5. 3 points


    After weeks of sorting and clearing lots of small stuff, mainly junk for the tip, we had a visitor from Norfolk yesterday. Iain arrived for what he thinks will be his last visit to collect his reserved items. Luckily it was mainly dry, not like today which is wet and windy. Didn't get many photo's this time, just a few near the end of the loading. The main items were John's last remaining Bolens tractor which had fun dragging a very heavy 8ft steel bench, a heavy engine hoist and bench drill up to the van. Iain also twisted our arms to let him take numerous other smaller items plus a pair of trailers and peace offerings for his boss at home. He couldn't though, be persuaded to take a 6ft 3 furrow Ransom plough which had recently been discovered in the undergrowth. John knew it was there but forgot to tell anyone. Thanks again Iain for making the trip and to the Showman for all his help on the day. It was hard work for the three of us, most likely impossible for two due to the weight involved.
  6. 2 points

    Some old photos of Ransomes

    Just finished scanning these photos and had a quick read at the latest posts on the skimmer thread. There is only that one photo of the skimmer, the rest have been taken at different rallys and show other Ransomes MGs. From the look of some of the photos they were taken quite a while ago, in among the photos I found a brochure for the 1992 Great Dorset Steam Fair which would back this up. I did not know when I was bidding on the piece of Ransomes literature that these photos would be included, the seller just added them in. I had sort of figured that since all the other photos were likely from down round the south that the photo of the skimmer would be from the same general area. Here's the pics, anyone recognise any of the machines? Rob
  7. 2 points


    Maybe :-) nothing stopping the boss planting a few hundred hedge plants in the field now :-)) What made me smile is how they came untied on the way home and ended up all over the van. Had to take them out one at a time, took s while Iain
  8. 2 points


    Great to see Alan, Chris and John yesterday. Thanks for the fantastic company and for helping with the loading, it was a good day. Looking at Alan's pictures I still had some more space in the van The Bolens was clearly excited to be coming to Norfolk and joining my other Bolens, as it was rattling against the van bulkhead all the way home. Iain
  9. 2 points

    Martin Markham Colt Deluxe with FEL

    Standard model has 7hp Kohler, three speed, one rear wheel brake, narrower front end than the deluxe, recoil start with electric start an option, pto Deluxe has 10hp Kohler, 6 speed gearbox (3 High 3 low), electric start, two pto points Here's the brochure photos. If you look on my Martin Markham Colt Deluxe post there are more photos of the Deluxe brochure...
  10. 2 points
    it's keeping them clean Norm, would be a nightmare in mud - plus they aren't designed to run out of line either I thought of cogged v with perhaps some grooves or notches in the pulleys to stop it slipping just not enough room James I've turned the sides of the sprockets down to allow a greater angle. I think running worn and loose with idlers is the way to go.I ran it again at the weekend and it did better, but it is an extreme angle i'm asking it to do I've just finished 4 years of development!!!!!Brief update... Started with a vengeance on the hydraulics. Done the levers Shame every fitting I have is different I think I'll end up changing everything over to jic, as can't adapt the spool valve to metric
  11. 2 points
    As if by magic... Apologies for he rubbish shot, number 2 son came in and stood in the light It's been a cold day up north, minus 4 first thing and it just passed zero degrees by lunch. So lots of cups of coffee were in order and using the kitchen island to put most of the first loom together And the first bit in place behind the tank and steering column. Next job is to make the panel fit and add the fuses and light circuits.
  12. 2 points
    Today's update, lots of stuff has arrived Firstly switches, lights and connectors Then a batch of stickers Which meant I could finish these, shame I couldnt get the tacho in black bezel... Might have to spray it.... Might make a start on the dash panel tomorrow.
  13. 2 points
    cheers Norm I think its a nice touch Only managed to Wheel it out of the workshop before tea for an arty shot I'm starting on the gauges and electrics next I think...
  14. 1 point
    This has been on the drawing board for a while now. Started life as a sorry specimen from Surrey a few years ago. Cue a few crates and a bit of balancing Some RSJ Lots of cutting Welding and drilling And a pivot was formed A bit more welding A drawing Some more welding and cutting And the rear subframe was finished
  15. 1 point
    I got room for a Wheelhorse or two
  16. 1 point


    Bother! To make it worse I now remember what I was going to use them for Iain
  17. 1 point

    Martin Markham Colt Deluxe with FEL

    Maybe one more :-) Yes, space is an issue, but we all have that problem Iain
  18. 1 point


    He's loosing his touch Andrew. We kept telling him there was lots of room left. On his previous trips he was measuring the gaps with feeler gauge's and looking for suitable size goodie's to squeeze in.
  19. 1 point

    Bolens 850

    When I popped into seeing Chris this afternoon. I set eyes on my latest Bolens, the 850, for the first time. I can't wait to get it back to my place some time to give it a damn good clean with a pressure washer and to carry out a light recommissioning of the old girl. Hopefully Chris will get the old engine fired up. Again, I am struck by how well made these Tube Frames are .
  20. 1 point

    Project C1-4x6

    Nice work buddy, glad I could help
  21. 1 point

    Ransomes ITW

    The latch springs shut holding the hook closed. Ready to bolt to the tractor after a quick paint.
  22. 1 point

    Ransomes Sand Skimming Tractor

    Well I know its like looking for a needle in a haystack but ime going to have a look tomorrow anyway if you don't look you don't find and the dog will enjoy the walk anyway
  23. 1 point

    Ransomes Sand Skimming Tractor

    Most of the pictures are Dorset Steam Fair and the MG4o and MG6 pictures look to be a local show, hopefully the skimmer was near where the photographer lived and his local show.
  24. 1 point

    Martin Markham Colt Deluxe with FEL

    I would of had it
  25. 1 point

    massey 590

    A classic photo Have you taken it through a drive-through yet?
  26. 1 point

    Project C4 4x4 extreme trials

    C4 has felt neglected lately and last weekend I decided to test its limits. It did pretty well, I think the limit is my own survival instinct
  27. 1 point
    After last nights episode trying to improve bendys transmission, I ended up resorting to swapping back to belts. I'd also noticed that as well as sluggish starting, it occasionally made a horrible grind So it was out with the engine, the starter is mounted low down on this k341 and you have to lift the engine out... And here's why I had to play with, the starter is a 10 tooth one, with only 7.5 teeth... the other is a high mount, and the other from the infamous acorn harvester at Ian's/Nigel's Fortunately it's a low mounter too, and the teeth are good. A few minutes later and voila, starts a million times better Frozen fingers sent me inside for the night. I was up first thing to defrost the car and thought I'd have a quick test drive. It's pretty cruel outside, kitchen isn't too warm either Bendy started first time, here's a few pics in the frost. I need more grip, might be digging the chains out... Didn't get stuck this time either
  28. 1 point
    Plan a was belts, they've worked for over a year, but are less effective under water
  29. 1 point
    Been a while between posts, bendy is now getting used with a vengeance. For sure the crank pin needs sorting, it's getting noisier by the minute Whilst pulling up the cattle grid, I lost 4wd. A look underneath revealed this . The rear needs a belt guard to stop the long grass getting in
  30. 1 point
    Yup!Updates are sparse due to moving house, just found this pic from Tractorfest. I did some replica chrome decals for the new shifter plates on the transmission tunnel.
  31. 1 point
    Short update Bendy now has a remote locking diff Used a bike brake cable in order to span the articulation joints and make life a bit easier. Spring loaded selector keeps it in or out of lock And a quick video http://youtu.be/Kw6FG_wYTqA
  32. 1 point
    Are you not coming to Newby? Been contemplating what to add there, I was perhaps thinking a winch... Now I did think about a desperado holder.... I reckon there's a few places I could open a bottle already if stuck Indeed! Thanks
  33. 1 point
    Cheers guys! After some rather nice weather, it's all painted... And here's a looking finished shot, though it isn't - it'll be ready for Newby
  34. 1 point
    A kind of naked front end picture whilst the engine is being put together and a close up of the remote gear linkage for those who wondered how it worked
  35. 1 point
    the bore isn't scored nor is there any massive wear marks - so it will stay standard. However the piston has quite a bit of sideways movement and the oil ring is non-existent! Given it's been split at some point and the gaskets are junk, I just want to stop it burning oil and dribbling, spitting out of every orifice. A 550cc displacement causes a lot of crank pressure and pushes oil out of places you'd never imagine. I once took the dipstick out when it was running and It's not going to be a massive worker, more of a show piece - but it certainly will be put through it's paces and I will test the whole 16hp
  36. 1 point
    I could get the bits here, but £70 for just the piston and rings, another £40 for the full gasket, oils seals and con rod seemed like a better deal. Our lad has had two k241 rebuild kits from the same chap so should be good to go
  37. 1 point
    Another £100 or so lighter after import, I finally got fed up of the oil slick on the workshop floor and ordered this. Looks like an engine rebuild is now on the cards
  38. 1 point
    Finished the light looms, here's the sidelights at dusk And the spots
  39. 1 point
    Thanks guys, finished the upper dash panel too. It's a lot easier than painting and lettering Plus I can change the words...
  40. 1 point
    that was the original plan Doug, but there's just not enough room - I did the calculations. At 700psi (powersteering pump) it will lift 0.17 tons, and push down 0.24 tons.. With a decent geared pump (3000 psi) it will lift 0.74 tons and push down just over a ton. I think 700 psi is a good start point, that would lift me at the end of the lift arms I've got 4 10l -3/8 bspp fittings already, but they are the same at both end have you got some with metric thread on the other end? used some more of those brackets today to make part of the front three point hitch, plus turned some 19mm bushes down. cheers
  41. 1 point
    I think this is the last update for Xmas, brackets and a pin made. Rear lift now finished but for pipes and paint
  42. 1 point
    that's the plan, I've a lot to learn about hydraulic fittings though Bought four items today, only two fit - and only at one end I'll get on with the other bits for a while...
  43. 1 point
    oops, missed the second part of the question... It's a Raider so its on top of the hoodstand
  44. 1 point
    I will weld it on - although there's more than enough weight and leverage to make it drop. Note, up until the last 20 years most tractors only had lift only, the linkage just floated on the down.
  45. 1 point
    been busy today My plan works, but boy is it tight in there, the diff has to go in one way and I have an inch to get the additional bits in. turning one side down to make room for the bolts - note the oil in the spindle oiler the selector cage all together in the lock position I've started work on the selector fork and slider, now it's getting tighter. It's a good job I don't need all the gears
  46. 1 point
    Small update from yesterday... 'Borrowed' the 8 speed from my C-161 as I want a heavy duty trans at the back. Surprise surprise, the hitch pin is seized.... Out with the grinder to cut the end off and then drill the remaining inch and half out to split it. And as usual, it's full of yoghurt Full set of seals ordered as it's getting a reasonable overhaul, the diff is getting special treatment too That just might find its own special thread
  47. 1 point
    I am slowly being talked round Yes it will have front fenders.... Thanks Ian Got 4 days at work in London, not sure it will be a rest as I've been on hols for a week, so no doubt it will be mayhem! Steering now complete-ish.... Very tight, with no play. The rubber damper will have to go, it made adapting discovery parts to beetle very easy, but it's twisting under load. Engine is out as there's nothing to bolt to yet, there's no seat or fenders either. I did get 5 mins to offer the original raider footrests up, with a bit of cutting and welding they will fit just fine. So this is how it ends for a few weeks, will continue to see how it goes and whether the GT gets the boot in favour of bendy
  48. 1 point
    An overdue update... Thought I'd get in the action on fender repairs, by the time I welded up the holes in a c series fender, I thought it easier to weld up the very rusty raider fender. Here it is with most rust cut out and patched And with the last patch in place Time for a short video showing the final transmission arrangement and steering. http://youtu.be/S6zzlN8f1-0 And some pics with the body mounted and engine It was going to Newby, but now the GT is going there's no room...
  49. 1 point
    Brief update... Keyways cut And it now steers, well temporarily until I do it properly.
  50. 1 point
    They sure are, Duro HF255
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