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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2016 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Hi all its that time of year again with my businesses I've expanded the winter maintenance Side and for the first time I'm doing it in comfort here's a vid of it's first grit iof the season !
  2. 5 points
    Evening all, I have started a little project that I have been meaning to do for a long time, a panning camera jig thingy.. This should make my videos look more professional and hopefully make them more enjoyable for you all to watch... The first part needed was the gearbox out of this very old and abandoned kiddies electric car.. I forgot to get a photo of the gearbox so here's a pic of what remained of the car when I'd finished cannibalizing it. While dumping the remains of the car on the rubbish pile I thought I'd have a quick look at the scrap pile... Hhmm... Those tubes could come in handy Back in the workshop some choppy weldy later, a 8 inch wide tubular track was made. Now I needed something to roll along the track, a sliced up cart axle and some used bearings got things rolling.. Yes I did commit the sin of welding the bearings to the axles, but the bearings feel the same as before the welding so hopefully all will be well. Something to mount the camera would be handy, so an old tripod got the chop. To motorize the contraption I am using a CB radio power pack, a New Holland tractor wiper motor and the speed control gubbins from a rechargeable drill that has knackered battery's. The two axles were joined together by using a cut down New Holland tractor wiper motor bracket which just happened to have the right size hole to fit the tripod cut off. As you can see the wiper motor isn't fully fitted yet. The idea is the wiper motor slowly winds a length of string onto a shaft and pulls it along the track.. The speed control does work but the motor does make some squealing sounds at slower speeds.. Something to have a think about.. I will add the electric car gearbox to slow things really down whilst doing time lapse filming. I hope to have it all fully finished and tested tomorrow, so stay tuned
  3. 3 points
    Evening all.. A bit of trimming, re-shaping and carefully grinding back the welds later and the tank fits again. One of those little milestones, the first squirt of paint on this project.. An even bigger milestone.. With the frame work finally done it was treated to a couple of coats of the red oxide stuff. The poor light in the workshop made it look like a very dark thin coat! But the biggest milestone yesterday was getting the frame in it's top coat, a very classy shade of satin black All I have left to do now is everything else, which is quite a bit
  4. 1 point

    Garden tidy up and playtime

    The weather was reasonable on Saturday so we made start on collecting leaves. I blew them into piles and the kids collected and tipped. Had a play up the field moving boulders and collecting some gravel... that wet clay clay stuff is heavy... the trailer sinks with 1/2 ton and needs two tractors to move it. and eventually even C4 bogs down and loses the will to live. I need a trailer with flotation tyres on. That or I need to stop overloading the trailer
  5. 1 point
    I really like the special effects in the video . Really great progress too. I have just been looking through the complete post and I can't believe how much it has changed in appearance. Joseph
  6. 1 point

    Briggs Help

    I know that engine well... B-111 or Westwood W11 or Dixon ZTR424, etc....
  7. 1 point
    Thought they could earn their keep... The horses too Here's jakes freshly restored C-121 on sickle duty gratuitous pic of Finn stripping the quads back brake drum - start em young GT14 got an airing - there's another story and was put on roller duty of course we needed to let our hair (whats left) down....
  8. 1 point

    Garden tidy up and playtime

    You need Nathan's Ransomes dumper it would eat that job.
  9. 1 point

    A day in the Lake District.

    Last Saturday up and out by 6-45 for a little trip out to the Honister slate mine. Myself and a mate to marshal on the Veteran Sports Car Clubs Lakeland Trial. Competitors come from far and wide to take part. In cars rangin from a 1914/20 Vauxhall A Type special to a 1930 Lea-Francis P type. We found ourselves high above the Slate mine workshops and visitor centre at the finish of the section. It was one heck of a steep climb and I was thank full we could drive up in the Disco. To say it was chilly up there would be an understatement. A cold, North wind blowing over the mountain top. I was pleased I had the foresight to take my quilt lined tank suit. Here's some photo's I manged to take of some of the cars waiting to return back down. Passengers had to walk for safety reasons. The view down. Cars waiting to go back down. 1928 Chrysler 75 4 ST Tourer. 1930 Frazer Nash Super SPORTS. 1930 Ford Model A Special on the left. 1930 Austin Ulster 2nd left. Far right. 1929 Riley MK IV. 1921 GN Touring. An interesting chain drive arrangement to the rear axle. Also no valve gear covers or front brakes. 1930 Austin 7 Ulster. Not sure about this Ford. Could be a '29 Model T or '29 A. 1930 Austin 7 Special 1925 GN Anzani. Again chain drive and no front brakes. 1935 Austin 7 and 1921 Ford T Special. You may have noticed the lack of front brakes on one or two cars. These cars went down attached to the front of the Land Rover shown in the first photo;
  10. 1 point

    Have a little garden clear up !

    Now one of those would be very handy.
  11. 1 point
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