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Everything posted by Wallfish
  1. That's funny, was just thinking last night about using a Homelite choke knob as they're fairly small. Unfortunately there's no spare out there as they're all on engines. I don't keep spares of those engines around like the O&Rs.
  2. That would be great if have something. Haven't been able to find anything for a button yet. The paint always looks better in the pics.
  3. I'm holding those saw parts hostage for free decals Just sent the box today Clint Sent Terry's box yesterday
  4. The 3" size is a little smaller for the chain cover than the original so I'll trade ya for one of the bigger decals if the smallest one fits the recoil.
  5. Never tried They also show a 3 inch set for a different saw than you posted with the 3.5 set. In the 3 inch set there's a smaller one which seems very close to the right size for an O&R recoil so that's the set I ordered before trying to save the original. Once it arrives, I'll check it out and let you know if it will work. You can have it if it does.
  6. I ordered some from sugar creek Might be interested in going in on some chip a saw decals. Do you still need pics and dimensions for that? Probably best to reply about those over in that thread
  7. Slow progress on this one but it's close. Been stay'n up late and pecking away at it. The paint is a little light of a tint for the yellow but it's staying. And no way was I going to spray paint everything like the originals were done. I was able to save the original recoil decal. Got it peeled off then painstakingly had to very carefully scrape off all of the stuck paint from the back of it. Scraped off the smearing and dinge from the white parts and touched up the color parts. It came out alright but still need to spray a coat of clear over it. Clint helped me out with the wording of the tank decals and those were just printed on my own. The aluminum handle was broken down at the bottom where it bolts on so had to fix that too.
  8. The guy who didn't take the carb apart and keeps his plug-in air freshener in with his parts.
  9. Alright, you did it so I just put your parts in the mailbox today. But you must've lost the reed valve part.
  10. Hey Sherlock, don't call me that! I broke the screw and "fixed IT" . Then figured no one will ever know.
  11. I can email some pics of the chip a saw decal with dimensions later today if that helps. Might have a print of one from usedtoolman which might be better to use for duplication but let me know. Depending on cost, I could use 3 decals for the older saw. It was stripped down but never painted
  12. The diaphragm pumps fuel. The tank can be lower than the carb. This is my best guess. Pulse of the vacuum pressure from the case flexes the diaphragm to pump fuel and the amount of air flow past the jet pulls in the fuel. The needle valve meters the amount of fuel being taken. More air past the jet equals more suction which equals more fuel. More fuel and more air equals higher rpm. The amount of air is metered by the butterfly valve inside the carb body. The butterfly is metered by the governor vein. The governor vein is metered by air flow from the flywheel speed. There are also reed valves inside the engine which control the vacuum and positive pressure of the piston moving inside the case. It's all in the precise timing of the components. At full blast it all happens at 6300 times a minute or 105 times a second. The choke helps with starting to pull fuel with the vacuum from the case because you can't pull it fast enough for the air flow past the jet to do it. Same for the primer button, it's a bump for the fuel for starting only. But once that spark happens in the chamber with fuel in there, pow, things move quickly. Hope this helps.
  13. We can get @JUST O&R Terry the metal man to bang out a dozen or so scaled down replica bike tanks. He might actually be working on an O&R today since we haven't seen a post.
  14. Dam, that's some good money. I can build those. The only thing which could be trouble is the gas tank in David's second pics Maybe early Harley stuff?
  15. That's cool. Ya never know what these little engines will turn up on next. Not sure why it didn't post as a link to click on. I had to to highlight it and open in a new tab. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-gas-powered-toy-motorcycle-1919183756
  16. We need to find one for @JUST O&R to try. We'll get a video of him crash'n something sooner or later. Was thinking the same thing. It does seem familiar but can't remember if that was a just a web pic or if it was directly from him.
  17. Just on the old forum. There was a member that had one. It's too bad that company hosting it were real @#$#@&^*%. We lost a lot of good members, good information and good content. We even had the grandson of Rice join up. He didn't post much but it was still cool to have him.
  18. Good. I'll send you a block of wood and some wires. Wish I could see a video of ya try'n to figure it out. Basically the glow plug adapter with a glow plug and a carb. There are other upgrades to the engine that can be made for different applications like for an airplane or for a boat. I'll get some pics.
  19. You take a week just to get it apart so there's plenty of time. I'll get'm sent. Work got crazy busy all of a sudden so hobby stuff is all backed up. Gotta send your parts, Clint some saw parts, get saw pics and a shipping quote for Paul, lost the thread where that guy wanted a carb arm, a couple PMs for diaphragms and need to work on the Mono saw. Plus a whole slew of other stuff. Just not enough time in a day.
  20. That might be a good engine candidate for the glow fuel parts.
  21. post some close up pics of all the carb parts you have. They made a couple different arms over the years.
  22. Glad to have you aboard francisco! I might have an arm for ya but not the spring. If you have a spring it's good even though those things seem a little flimsie.
  23. Mask it off and paint everything else? At least that's what I'm gonna try Uh Oh, did I give wrong info? Thought they were 1/4 but again, chainsaws aren't really my thing. Will have to go out and take another look at the chains
  24. Thought he showed it apart too. Does that come a part easily into 3 pieces?
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