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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2016 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    Cumbrian steam gathering

    Just back from this years gathering. I'm rubbish and didn't take nearly enough pics, however here are a few for your enjoyment...
  2. 4 points

    Operation Bolens 600

    Best get that container of Cub Cadets sorted out between us then Chris !!
  3. 4 points

    Another Bolens for the collection

    Now my login has turned green again I can post some pictures and I know you all love Bolens pictures Stopped half way home to check the straps A few pictures after a bit of a test run Always good to have to have a family shot. This is the HT20 pictures with my HT23. Iain
  4. 3 points

    Bolens Estate Keeper

    On Saturday I bought Tom's Bolens Estate Keeper from him. I have not really had much chance to look at it properly yet, however I it looks like a EK7 and largely original except that box under the seat and the angle iron on the engine cover. It is not currently running and needs some love. Iain
  5. 3 points

    Operation Bolens 600

    At long last the 600 is now in it new home in the UK along side fellow Bolens and a rogue Ford. It was meant to be delivered on Friday but they couldn't do it then so re arranged it for Monday morning. Whilst waiting for the delivery, I connected up the 1050 air filter unit plus a new air filter element. I turned the fuel tap on and it fired into life after several attempts. It was a wee bit smokey though. I also had a good look through it too. I am always amazed at how well built these little tractors are. The 600 is just as good in the metal as it were and I wiped off accumulated grease and dirt to reveal gleaming paintwork! There was some subtle differences to Chris's 600. The three differences I noticed to date were that mine got a white steering wheel whereas Chris got a black one, the throttle lever was mounted at the front of the steering column not on the side like the other one and the foot pedal on mine is just a simple bar whereas Chris one is a more elborate pedal. I will be interested to see my other 600 to compare the differences. I think someone mentioned that this one from the US is an early example. My thanks to Dave (Old Buzzard) for his time to check it out and collect it and storing it. Also to my consultant, Iain, for his encouragement and knowledge. I contacted several shippers but in the end I went with Chris Sutton's (The Showman) recommendations using DLR Shipping. Is it worth it? Was it worth the angst? To me, yes, as I have picked up a really early example and an original one as well of the 600 with a belly deck and a front plow plus a Brinly sleeve hitch for roughly £150 plus shipping. It was also saved from the scrapie too...... Would I buy another garden tractor again? Yes I would but it got to be in it original paint job with some attachments too and also one that you can't get over here. A Bolens Deluxe Ride a Matic from the late 50s would be an example or a Copar Panzer. For the moment, I won't be buying anything from the US for the moment......
  6. 3 points

    Martin Markham Colt Deluxe

    After a mega road trip (Sunday, sun shining, roads full of idiots) we are finally home with the back end of another MM Here's the "in the trailer" photos, better ones on here tomorrow...
  7. 3 points
    Anglo Traction

    Downsizing in Metalwork

    Now that my Username has turned green again, I can post a few progress pics. Much of the work is hidden like machining Keyway slots in the shafts, but finished the Damper Rod Control Lever and the Oil Boxes for the Axle bearings- Set the positions of Gears on the Selector and drilled the quadrant for the locking pin. Finished the Coal Bunker Division Plate with the addition of a Sluice Door (sorry it's out of focus, but the depth of field is shallow)- ( Tiny Caps made for the various 'Oiler Cups' (used an old Flint Lighter Wheel for the miniature Knurling)- Just 2 more to make for the Second Shaft and trim the Gear Cover for access- Obtained the Pressure Gauge (0-100psi). real Watchmaker stuff this is, it is only 1/2" diameter (12.7mm)!. Closest to scale that is possible and still work properly- Just finishing off some Steering modifications to the front end generally known as the 'Spud Ring' and Pan which is another deviation from the original design- It's making a nice change playing with the Machines/Tooling and making the parts, but still loads to do.
  8. 2 points
    Having rescued my Raider back in 2009, I gave the engine a quality Top End overhaul amongst the full Tractor refurb work. I thought I should just give it a check over and flush the Fuel system as well (I haven't cleaned the engine either)- It's always been good starting and running, but because I didn't sort the Throttle Shaft wear at the time, it has occasionally shown signs of uneven running. On removal of the Carb, I found very little rubbish in the Bowl and a tiny globule of water (2mm ball bearing size) I found traces of oil residue around the Carb inlet Choke Plate area and so I suspect the diaphragm in the Pump may be on it's way out. Having already played it safe, I had ordered 2 replacement Fuel Pumps to service both Tractors and as some of you may recall my Thread on Redsquare covering the Full #26 Carb rebuild, I shall be fitting that (on right in lower pic) while I rebuild the old one (original Muffler is going away for Bead Cleaning and I'll repaint it) . While I'm at it, I shall fit a Fuel drain point in the system so I can empty it for over wintering storage and to Prime the system again. Should save fiddling around trying to get fuel through.
  9. 2 points
    the showman

    Operation Bolens 600

    Glad it all worked out for you Andrew, DLR have shipped stuff for me for 30 years and never had a problem
  10. 2 points

    Another Bolens for the collection

    Yes you are correct Norm, FMC does stands for Fantanstic Metal Creation!
  11. 2 points

    The Faceless Fisherman.

    Now I can see what he looks like.
  12. 2 points
    We'll see what we can bring along for you Mr Showman
  13. 1 point

    The Faceless Fisherman.

    Opened the workshop today and found a squatter. Had the cheek to complain that his bed was hard. He wanted some breakfast, so I told him to go catch his own.
  14. 1 point

    Another Bolens for the collection

    Norm it is an easy mistake to make. Many people think it stands for Fabulous Metal Creation and in truth they are not far wrong. Don't be embarrassed.
  15. 1 point

    Another Bolens for the collection

    Not what I was thinking.
  16. 1 point

    Operation Bolens 600

    £150 + shipping?? Think I'll start an import business.
  17. 1 point

    Another Bolens for the collection

    What does the FMC stand for? Probably not what I'm thinking.
  18. 1 point

    Martin Markham Colt Deluxe

    You don't fancy welding it together then ??
  19. 1 point

    Operation Bolens 600

    Andrew, I've been waiting for you to post that it got there. It's definitely and early example. One easy clue is that the hitch is cast into the rear end and not a bolted on one.
  20. 1 point
    the showman

    Martin Markham Colt Deluxe

    Thats a good idea mate, you've got enough straps to hold it together.
  21. 1 point
    the showman

    Cumbrian steam gathering

    Good set of photos Mark, i like the 1956 Chevy truck one of my favourites.
  22. 1 point

    Ransomes Sand Skimming Tractor

    Oh no, wheres the floor gone!
  23. 1 point

    Ransomes Sand Skimming Tractor

    Second side cleaned and reassembled. I have refitted the belt drive roller and gearbox, weighs an absolute ton, the engine crane was priceless for this job. I do not like to think about how much this machine weighs all together! Not sure why gearbox is yellow, must have stole it from Jonathan's skimmer!
  24. 1 point

    Silage Harvester

    I have eventually found a blower Its a John Deere Power Flow high output fan so should do my job just fine. Best bit, it was free ! It could do with new blades but i am having problems trying to work out which model it is. I have been on the John Deere web site and done a google search but cant find the correct model, can anyone help ?
  25. 1 point

    G621 Very early Rote Ho Gem 1943

    Hi pat, nice to see you back. Re the wheels, after putting up the photos of the wheels I've had quite lengthy discussions with people who were around when these machines were newish. There seems to be no definitive answer as to what wheels were used and when. The early type here I've used for the time being on g206, unless I can turn up another early set I may have to use the later type on this gem, it may not be incorrect anyway as by 1944 the later type were definatley in use on allmost all gems accept the very rare few that came with pneumatics in those days.
  26. 1 point

    Martin Markham Colt Deluxe

    Lucky man indeed. Are you just going to use the gears you need?
  27. 1 point
    the showman

    Martin Markham Colt Deluxe

    Well done Paul, lucky to find that I would have thought.
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