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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2016 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Winter tidy up 2016

    You grow photographs?
  2. 3 points

    Martin Markham Colt

    Bit foam update on the tractor, and some pictures which I have all worked out how to put on, when I first got the machine starting was a little bit iffy and did not run right, I then left it for a while and could not get it to start at all. So I decided to service a few parts on it and sort it out, new engine oil, helicoil in the spark plug thread and spark plug, sorted the recoil, and changed the points and condenser for an ignition module from Mike Hitchens, it all now works and runs sweetly. Next step is to get the plough in the ground
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
    the showman

    Wheelhorse Southern Round-Up

    Some of you Wheelhorse owners will remember i did a couple of round-ups back in 2012 /13 at Ardingly and had a lot of support. Sadly the vintage show wound up and we've been having them in North Yorkshire that Mark ( Meadowfield) has been organising. Ive been asked by several owners to do another round-up in the south so us southern boys can get together and show off our tractors. Ive been looking for a suitable site and have decided to have it at Biddenden Tractorfest, its a lovely flat site with loads of room and a working area. It will be held on August 19 / 20 so if i could have a show of hands to see if anyone's interested it would be great. I know there's a lot of Wheelhorse's in the south so here's your chance to show them off and make history!!!
  5. 1 point

    New workshop / tractor storage

    Good morning all I haven't posted much in the last couple of months been busy with my now young family and work so time is at a premium , for the last five years I've had my workshop in an old tram shed in Sheffield as this has served me well and my friends who restore busses it's time for us to leave due to our land lord wanting to expand his business in to our building which this has gave us a final push to go due to the roof been in such a bad state ( it leaks ) So we have been on the look out for a new building in view to buy so we have found our new home which is clean and dry and secure , since me Nathan and Sam started packing things away it's amazing what we have found things we thought was long gone . Any way I've being buying pallet racking to utilise space so we can have things in the air here is a few pics so far more to come
  6. 1 point

    New workshop / tractor storage

    Thats good, Makes me wonder how some of you have so mutch time on your hands for projects. I got a ton of projects & naff all time to do anything with & now the dark nights are here!!
  7. 1 point

    Electro Flow Pump

    I've just finished cleaning up the pump and repairing the recoil, came out pretty good. Since the paint and decals are fairly decent, I decided not to repaint it.
  8. 1 point

    New workshop / tractor storage

    You sure you'll all have enough room, James?
  9. 1 point

    Martin Markham Colt

    Well done Harry! A lovely little tractor you got there.
  10. 1 point
    The Fife Plooman

    Alyth ploughing match 2016

    Hi All Judging time again, ground hard at bits stony but we were all ploughing in the same field, if you got a hard bit oops if you caught a stone oops, again we all had fun and we have been invited to another three ploughing matches, the wee tractors are making their mark also good comments all round
  11. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Mr Mackellow.

    Happy Birthday Paul, hope you have a stupendous day!
  12. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Mr Mackellow.

    Many happy returns Paul
  13. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Mr Mackellow.

    Happy Birthday Paul.
  14. 1 point

    Electro Flow Pump

    The engine on your pump is an early one and they didn't have HP decals. I have found out from two different sources that the Electro Flow Pump was also sold as the Paradox Pump. It was tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in May 1964, during the 99 hour test the engine required two spark-plugs, a magneto coil and a set of piston rings. See pdf here: http://www.fs.fed.us/t-d/pubs/pdfimage/64511303.pdf which also shows the accessories available for the pump. And it was featured in the January 1963 edition of Desert Magazine on page 8, a pdf is available from the swdeserts.com archive here; http://www.swdeserts.com/index_htm_files/196301-DesertMagazine-1963-January.pdf David
  15. 1 point

    Electro Flow Pump

    There is also one of these in my collection, but it's escaped the camera till now. Mine is the 1HP version, the carb and aluminium cylinder plates were missing when I bought it. I would have thought the original owner of the pump would have chosen the pipes/primer for their intended use when new. David
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