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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2014 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Project C1-4x6

    Hi all here is a few more pics of the build
  2. 2 points
    the showman

    The Workshop moving Thread

    Helping Ian move workshop and home over the past few weeks I finished up having the old wood store and contents. here's a couple of photos of it in its new location, had to make it 5 inch's narrower to fit in the slot I had, its now sporting a door and fresh coat of creosote
  3. 2 points

    The Workshop moving Thread

    I give it a week and that bench will be full. No room for a sleeping walrus.
  4. 2 points
    Despite wanting to play, I have found time to make some fenders from scrap pieces of Ian's 6x6... With a patch welded in Ground flat and e tanked Primed and in place I made some brackets too, but forgot to take a picture. I've ordered some lights too
  5. 1 point

    Wheel horse Turner flail mower

    My Haban flail has casters on the front but I find that because it is so far out front that even a very small change from flat ground results in the flail lifting or dropping a lot. You might find you would benefit from adding a belt tensioner so the belt tension is constant on all terrain. Iain
  6. 1 point

    Ohlsson and Rice mini 2 stroke engine

    Managed to get it all back together, but without a spark...... A quick chat with Wallfish and an exchange of photo's showed me that a wire was in the wrong place. Once rectified, a healthy spark was produced. I was so tempted to try the engine, despite not having a working carb. So I squirted some fuel in and gave it a pull! The 2nd pull and away it went....... not for long, but enough to be happy with the progress. Next was to attend to the paint work. The fuel tank had a couple of small pin holes. Once stripped of old paint I was able to solder repair the pin holes, then apply some filler to smooth the dents. Next came a coat or 2 of etch primer and finally a couple coats of top coat. Gave the starter housing the same treatment........ New decals are on the way too!
  7. 1 point
    if it turns the wrong way, just turn the flails around
  8. 1 point

    Kohler Magnum 16 popping spluttering.

    Funnily enough i finished work with a bit of spare time today and fitted the new pipes, filter, filled up with fresh fuel, wired in the electric pump and had a test. Much better Still not perfect though, feels flat on full throttle but hoping this is now down to tuning which i will tinker with, but the popping and spluttering is gone Heres a pic I took tonight of the engine and stack fitted. Think i may check valve clearance again now ive had it running just to re-check things are perfect in their.
  9. 1 point
    Sounds as though you may have cracked it but with any unknown engine I believe that time spent making sure that the valve condition and clearance, is time well sent. Short of a worn bore and piston valve condition is fundamental to a sweet running engine ; if the valves are not right no amount of tinkering with ignition and carburettor will achieve a permanent cure. Also don't rely on a compression test as an indication of valve condition on an engine with automatic decompression to aid starting. The only reliable non-invasive test is with a leak down tester - not usually found outside a professional workshop. For the time spent doing a valve job and probably a head gasket you will have sound foundations on which to fine tune carburettor and ignition.
  10. 1 point
    Looking better every time we come and see it. Hope its up and running for when the snow comes. Don't think it will need chains.
  11. 1 point

    The Workshop moving Thread

    And he left without a trace! Just like aliens came and beamed him away. Pretty cool of you to think about a nappy spot in the new shop.
  12. 1 point

    Wheel horse Turner flail mower

    Is it spinning the right way, looks backwards... Edit You can flail either way, one way mows, the other mulches!
  13. 1 point

    little wonder lawn edger

    This is it now.
  14. 1 point
    Hi all The ploughs are as follows Ransome TS42 pulled by MG crawler the wheelhorse has a plough borrowed from a BMB cultmate walk behind My own plough is part of a pair one left hand one right hand They are called a butterfly ploughs but when you are competing you can only use one plough hope this gives you an idea what we use Thanks George S
  15. 1 point

    Found these at the sale.

    Went to the machinery sale today after a finger bar mower for my BCS, it made a lot of money so I bought these instead. The same size I have on my C121. 7.00 x 12 Continental 4ply. 26" dia Unused, only thing is,4.25" pcd instead of 4.5" & centre hole is smaller, but nice thick centre so they can be re-drilled, or I may turn up some new hubs instead. Cost: £100 .00p for 4.
  16. 1 point
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