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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2016 in all areas

  1. 7 points

    First snow of the year

    We had a bit last week, but this week it has stuck! heres a few pics out and about
  2. 2 points
    This is my Maruzen drilling machine. It's fully restored, all correctly, carburetor overhaul kit, new gear grease etc. After that it ran and I put it on the shelf. I like to look at it but that's all I do. My interest does lies more with antique and modern firearms. This was an excess for me. Now I decided that if someone would offer an far better place for this machine it's better it goes there. Very rare, try to find one with google! (if you do find more, let me know!) There were 200 imported to Europe in '85 or '86. As said, it ran, it does not on this moment. It runs when I put a little gas in the spark plug hole. Ignition is fine. But it does not get petrol on it's own. I think the carburetor needs cleaning. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hiqwey9pvoyexmk/Maruzen.mov?dl=0 I would like € 225 / $225 or good offer. I live in the Netherlands. What sending costs depends on the country, ask and I will try to awnser. Sending to the US costs €58 Sending to the UK costs €25
  3. 2 points

    Tri rib tyre advice

    Tubes are important and the rating as well, check out the B,C, D rating system as the ply rating system is fairly irrelevant since they don't rate them by plyes, only by ply rated, I know that doesn't make sense, but it is what it is. I have bought both inexpensive and expensive tri-ribs of the same rating and have yet to much difference.
  4. 2 points

    Tri rib tyre advice

    I bought my tri ribs from Big Tryes on Norman's recommendation. They are Trelleborgs tri ribs.
  5. 2 points
    Cub Cadet

    Tri rib tyre advice

    http://www.unitytyreonline.co.uk/turf_small.html I bought Duro HF257 tri ribs from here £15.60 each and mine came with tubes, i've used them on two tractors and highly recommend them. This photo shows what they look like
  6. 1 point

    Unknown applications

    Here are some pics of things found on the web in which I have no idea of their intended use or application.
  7. 1 point

    Tri rib tyre advice

    It looks like I may need to fit Tri-ribs to the front of one of my Bolens Ride-a-matic’s which has a standard tyre size of 4.00-8. The easy options appear to be Trelleborg T513 from bigtyre https://www.bigtyres.co.uk/4-00-8-4-ply-trelleborg-t513.html or unnamed brand from Allterraintyres (although the pictures appears to show a Kenda tyre) http://www.allterraintyres.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1087_1242_1248&products_id=5034 I know I have asked a couple of you for advice previously however I am getting old and have forgotten what was said, sorry. Joseph is concerned that we have to buy the right tyres but I am unsure what he considers to be right or wrong. I would really welcome some advice and if anyone has a picture of either or both of the options above that would be great. Some advice from our US based tyre expert would be cool too, as long as it is not to tell me I have spelt tyre incorrectly Thanks Iain
  8. 1 point

    Mini stationary engine

    Hello, a friend of mine has this mini stationary engine, it is not really my sort of thing and I don't know much about it. Can anyone identify it and some sort of value. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Harry
  9. 1 point

    Vintage Shooting Gallery

    It's going in here cos I don't know where else to post this I have started volunteering at a local Heritage Fairground. In season I was doing one day a week, running rides and generally making a nuisance of myself. Great fun. Every year they host an auction for vintage vehicles, steam engines, and assorted bits n bobs - I am sure some of you have been! We were pottering around the yard looking at auction lots and we saw this little thing languishing in a corner. We both fell for it a little bit. Well, it wasn't an auction lot, but the next time I was helping, I asked if I could take it home and restore it for them. In the end they got fed up of me pestering, and now we are halfway through bringing it back to life. Snags so far? Well the original motor (which was almost certainly pinched off something else - the whole thing has been cobbled together by a showman many moons ago) was 110v DC and very very slow, with its own gearbox. We have replaced it (after 5 years outside in the rain there was no saving it) but used a 240v lump, and managed to mount the gearbox - but the "new" motor is much faster. So how could we gear it down enough for the targets to slide past at a sensible rate? Well Martin had the genius idea of using mini-moto sprockets and chain. The belt was rotted clean through in at least one place, so we have retained as much as we could, chopped out and replaced the mankiest bits, and sent the targets off to a mate to vapour-blast them. The rollers at either end of the belt were in bits but Martin has pegged them back together, they look amazing. The angle-iron frame has been dismantled today and we are halfway through stripping it down ready to paint... I can't wait to see it all back together!
  10. 1 point

    Pedal power!

    Not garden equipment I know, but cute nonetheless so I thought I would share this with you all too... My half-sister's stepdad used to use this little treadle fretsaw as a boy. He made models with it and the model coronation coach and horses is still in their family. It languished in my sister's shed after he died, and she decided to pass it on to us because she knew we'd appreciate it. It was a bit rattly though - didn't need a lot of work, just a strip, clean, a fresh coat (or 3) of dark green paint and tightening everything up. You can get tiny treadle lathes by the same manufacturer. Can you imagine this being sold as a toy nowadays?! My hope eventually is to get Martin to make a little jig for it so that I can use it to cut mitres for picture framing.
  11. 1 point

    Pedal power!

    I know! I can't imagine this ever getting into shops nowadays. Cub Cadet, I wonder if the models my sister's dad used to make were the same ones from the magazines. I expect so. I just like the little thing, wish I could come up with a practical use for it to justify the space it takes up!
  12. 1 point

    Tri rib tyre advice

    Some great advice as always, thanks guys. At the moment I am trying to keep some enthusiasm up for when I get some time and my workshop back. It currently is currently a store for 12 tractors, a Land Rover and gator. Iain
  13. 1 point
    A short test video for you.. If it looks lumpy that's Potatobucket videos for ya.. Click on the pic... Oh, I guess PB can't handle wide screen!
  14. 1 point

    Unknown applications

    It's a complete mystery what this engine with "Mark V" decal came from. David
  15. 1 point

    Unknown applications

    Another Ohlsson tool I haven't seen complete before, remains of an Acme Engineering Co. powerhead. It's possibly for a tree trimmer, as the patent number on it relates to a tree trimming saw mechanism, the patent is a bit earlier than any O&R's though as its from 1953, patent document is linked below. https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=US&NR=2703928A&KC=A&FT=D&ND=3&date=19550315&DB=&locale=en_EP# David
  16. 1 point
    Cub Cadet

    Pedal power!

    My grandma has one of these fret saws in her garage, my great uncle used to buy the Hobbies Magazines weekly and the Annuals, many of which are now in my possession as well as the model plans. He used to make model boats with it.
  17. 1 point

    Tri rib tyre advice

    I've the Trelleborg's from BigTyres on the Black Horse. Check 121 rebuild thread for photo's.
  18. 1 point

    Tri rib tyre advice

    I think The ones from big tyres look more in keeping
  19. 1 point

    1975 Wheel Horse D200

    Thank you Iain, I appreciate the advice and knowledge. The steering is pretty tight on this and it just so happens I rebuilt two John Deere 317 columns not long ago. I plan on going with a taller narrower tire on this D200 so that will reduce stress and wear, but if it is loose it will be more noticeable. I really like this engine and hope to score a HT20 soon as well. EDIT: I did the same thing to your name as others often do to mine, put the "i" before the "a", I fixed it, where is spell check when you need it, lol
  20. 1 point
    Pinewood revisited.
  21. 1 point

    Unknown applications

    Here is another mystery O&R found on the Italian version of Gumtree, when I did a web search. http://www.kijiji.it/annunci/ricambi-e-accessori/milano-annunci-milano/motori-ohlsson-rice/12904382 Not sure of the intended use but maybe it's a crop sprayer. David
  22. 1 point

    Unknown applications

    Not mine and not really an unknown application, but it is a mystery what the rest of it looks like. Its the engine with part of the gearbox from a Brush Klipper. David
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