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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2018 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    rolloman 1

    My new Tractor

    Good Morning guys pictures of a new toy for me arrived yesterday about lunch time runs as sweet as a nut just needs some love and care hope you like
  2. 5 points
    the showman

    Ardingly Autumn Show

    Just spent the weekend at Ardingly, arrived Friday afternoon in lovely sunshine. Saturday started well until lunchtime then the rain spoiled the rest of the day then on Sunday it was bright and sunny which brought in the public and it was packed, in all a very enjoyable show. Heres a few photos.
  3. 2 points

    Another Bolens joins the collection

    We have not used John's old 1054, the famous red Bolens since the snow. As we were finishing clearing the snow it started to run rough, probably due to dirt in the carb. Today we spend some workshop time on the 1054. The back of this tractor has always looked a little odd and I final realised why, it is missing the tool box. Picture of one of my other 1054's I found a spare tool box in my spares store and Joseph worked on fitting that, using his new socket set That looks so much better although it could do with some paint With the cosmetics out of the way, the carb was removed and put through the ultrasonic cleaner. Fortunately the inside was a little cleaner than the exterior The tractor has always had an odd whistle, has been down on power and it would stall if you tried to use third gear. With the carb removed I think I found the answer to all those issues as the inlet manifold was very loose. New gaskets were made for the inlet manifold, valve cover and points cover. Then oil change and lots of new parts including generator belt, air filter, points and plug. We finished up by checking it over front to rear, removing all the long grass wrapped around the prop shaft and greasing it up. I wonder how all that long grass got there Alan We then took it for a long test drive and it runs great. We still have a few jobs to do. It needs a new battery installed and a PTO refreshed and installed. It was great to spend some time on this tractor. Iain
  4. 2 points

    Wheelhorse snowblower

    You could always use it for leaves!
  5. 2 points

    Afternoon in the workshop!

    I need something to put a load on the engine of the new purchase , Kubota B6100 4x4 and I pulled a failed project from the weeds and had a look. I had made a plough from a I think , Anzarni plough body to fit my Gutbrod but i could never get it to work . The Kubota having a true 3 point linkage , was a much better mounting but it had to be made. for the plough. Its a bit rough and ready at the moment but enough to test and it works well. Now for some tidying up and a lick of paint. And yes i have replaced the bit dexion . lol
  6. 1 point
    On Friday I had a quick trip to see Alan, John and Chris (The Showman), stopping off on the way to drop off a Bolens to the other Chris (Bolens Chris as my lad calls him). It was fantastic to meet up with them all again. I picked up a Bolens 1054 which I am sure a number of you have seen before. A couple of pictures of the tractor after it arrived safe in Norfolk, the home of Bolens tractors in the UK It is a 1054-03 which I believe means that it was made in 1972. Iain
  7. 1 point

    Happy Birthday slf-uk.

    All the Best, Iain. Hope you have a good day.
  8. 1 point
    Cub Cadet

    Happy Birthday Iain

    Happy Birthday, have a good one
  9. 1 point

    Ardingly Autumn Show

    Look like it was a good show. Thanks for the photo's.
  10. 1 point

    Another Bolens joins the collection

    I wonder how all that long grass got there Alan Who needs a cutting deck when a prop shaft can cut tear the grass out just as well Iain.
  11. 1 point

    Happy Birthday Iain

    He's not letting on how old he is though.
  12. 1 point

    Happy Birthday slf-uk.

    Thanks very much for the birthday messages. It has been a good day, once the usual Sunday jobs were out of the way Joseph and I spent a relaxing rest of the day working on some tractors, then plenty of seat time driving them around the garden. Iain
  13. 1 point

    Another Bolens joins the collection

    Good way to spend your birthday.
  14. 1 point

    Happy Birthday slf-uk.

    Happy Birthday 🎂
  15. 1 point

    Happy Birthday slf-uk.

    Happy birthday dad! Hope you had a great day
  16. 1 point

    Happy Birthday slf-uk.

    Happy birthday Iain, hope you have a good day
  17. 1 point

    Happy Birthday slf-uk.

    Happy Birthday Iain. Have a good one .
  18. 1 point

    Happy Birthday slf-uk.

    Happy Birthday Iain. Hope Joseph got you something useful.
  19. 1 point

    Happy Birthday slf-uk.

    Happy birthday lain
  20. 1 point

    Wanted wheel horse parts

    Going to take look at the hardwear i have left on the bonnet Monday, I was too busy looking at the exhaust and points today lol.
  21. 1 point
    Cub Cadet

    C-125 conversion restoration

    2 years too late but i just found the photos of the finished tractor. A pic while the wheels were removed for tyres and painting. A custom headlight panel The finished tractor, now sold unfortunately
  22. 1 point
    Not customised in the true sense!! This was just one of the Rolls and Bentleys owned by a local scrap dealer. First task after delivery new from the factory was to remove the rear seats and weld steel plate in to carry the gas cutting equipment he carted around with him. My late step father in law worked for him and the cars got a good bashing and a lot of welding and plating was involved! Rolls were not too happy about it. Pete.
  23. 1 point
    To be strictly accurate the Beast did not have a Merlin engine but a Meteor which was the detuned version used in armoured vehicles.
  24. 1 point
    That Rolls crew cab looks great, I'd happly use it every day if I could afford the fuel I think that was "The Beast" Mk1 Norm that went up in flames.. If I remember rightly it was kinda based or used bit's of a Capri body? The Beast Mk 2 as above used to have a Rolls Royce grill, JD on the current grill stands for John Dodd. The story (of which I expect there are many) goe's, John Dodd was driving The Beast abroad (Spain or Germany, I can't remember) on a motorway and flew past a Porsche at a very high speed.. The next day the said Porsche owner went to a Rolls dealership asking for the new Rolls estate! This is when RR got the 'Orse about Mr Dood using their grill on The Beast.. The court hearing was in London, so every day of the hearing Mr Dodd drove The Beast to the court in the center of London I've heard The Beast is still alive and well, now living with Mr Dodd in Spain but it does come over to the UK once a year for an MOT.. Disclamer... All the above is based on on a fading memory and only 2 coffees so far today, so it might not be 100% acurate..
  25. 1 point
    All the years I have been around that Husky and I've never noticed the e.
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