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Anglo Traction

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Everything posted by Anglo Traction
  1. Well Ian, It is getting near Christmas !........save's on Decorations Perhaps a Skid Lid would be handy.
  2. Very nice work on the Manifold sir!. I heard that preheating an Iron casting helps, and the use of Wire with a high Nickel content work very well. Seems you don't need it! .
  3. You're right Norm, Sorry Ian, wasn't concentrating as I had the F1 Gp on.. Damn it Lewis missed it!.
  4. Ahh!, the ole Stillsons. They look identical to my Dad's which I now have. In the Pic Ian, Are you Shearing the Nut/Bolt off, or is it a left hand Thread?. Noticed the way it is set is to tighten a R/Hand thread. I see there are many Ball joints available in U.S & Canada. Did you import or source in UK?. Lastly, are the Tops different to the Lower joints?.
  5. Just to clarify the problem I believed I had with the Tubes for these narrow tyres, here's a link to a previous thread on it- -LINK- . Regards
  6. Oooh........tempting Neil, I may well be in touch.
  7. Yep!. Had sussed all that Neil , I hope you are able to get over the mourning of your reluctant sale. But you also really need to get rid of one of your good ones , .........so you are able to lavish more attention on the remaining Herd Regards.
  8. A real good project. Glad you saved it. reminds me of the Fairground Shooting Galleries of the old Travelling Fairs back in the early 60s. the attractions were pretty old then. Just need an old .22 or .177" Air Rifle with the Squiffy Sights and bent Barrel and you're set up!.
  9. Well, by some coincidence, while scrolling through an old magazine online (dated June 1940, Practical Mechanic), I found this advert that look's to be a similar vapourising /oxygenating process to obtain the same, or similar result.- Looking back into history, often surprises you and find that it can invariably repeat itself.
  10. Great Vid work Ian, very impressive !. If you want a laugh though, run it with the Subtitles On . Show the awkward Lower Arm swivel Joints to the Press and scare it/them out
  11. Not correcting, just adding. Early RJs (55-57) I believe had pressed steel Chassis/frames and Cast Iron Steering wheel? I'm Impressed Nigel !. Beat me. And you managed to prise it from someone's 'Warm Live Fingers' ! ............ I'm still hoping to get one one day.
  12. It look's rather like a Low Powered Farm Milking Parlour Engine used to run a pump, or may have been used for running a generator/dynamo. Should be Water Cooled?. Presume it runs on Gas or Fuel Oil (Kerosene)?. All depends on condition, any maker's Marks and how much of it is missing, as to what it's value is, no Idea.
  13. Update on this Saga, is that I received another confirmation of an error due to Shipper Agent, this time from the Main GSP Company. E-Stray are still blatantly denying it and refusing to make attempts to reverse their decision in 'Favour of the Seller' and issue refund in my favour. Actually, I now don't give a damn about them anymore (insert Emoticon with upright middle digit) !. Their attitude is appalling. The Shipping Company is arranging for the 'Returned to Sender' item to be re-sent to me with full Tracking Assistance overseen by them!. So I presume the Seller also agrees, as he now has it back (although no contact received from him). Will have to wait six weeks for it though. No sweat really, as I always wanted the items anyway.
  14. That's one bad experience, glad you're ok . They should allow you to buy it back, saves them the cost of disposal etc. Would be a good thing to do, if either you get the repairs done, or salvage all that's good on it for upgrading a replacement. Get what you can out of them.
  15. Got my 4.00-8 Tri Ribs (4ply on offer at the time) from Malpas online UK. Had to send the 4-4.50-8 Tubes back, as they were way too skinny to use on a 3.75" wide Rims. I eventually fitted 5.00 x 8" tubes and they fitted perfectly. Link to when I was working on them - http://www.wheelhorseforum.com/topic/22490-74-c-120raider-update/?page=8 .
  16. Not good Alain. Fortunately I have not had dealings with any iffy buyers, except for one who tried to claim money back 2 months later from non receipt of item. He failed badly, as the 'Sucker' forgot he had left really positive feedback to me on fast delivery and a good condition item !!!!. A glimmer of light has appeared in my Inbox from an 'Involved' Courier Agency. They admit failure to deliver caused by damaged item and return to Sender. Had the greatest of pleasure forwarding it on to E-Stray and Seller!!!. Sit back and another wait now.
  17. Hello Alain, The latter of your 2 question choices....... Won't go into detail yet, as awaiting the Company(s) involved to respond to my enquiries. Also reading all the Terms and Conditions again before preparing for the next attempt to recover goods/refund, before using legal.
  18. I've been shipping hard to find parts in from the U.S for about 7 years now without issue, and recently, the offer of an incorporated programme that ships your purchase from the U.S to you without all the hassle of Import duties etc, had appeared to be a good system. Well I've well and truly stubbed my toe on this 'Shipping' where my item has not been delivered to me after it arrived in UK and they've labelled it up for return without any investigation. My frustration is that I received nothing but denial of involvement or offer of help to contact the Shipper/Agents from the Auction Site to retrieve it. They also deleted my transaction from my records after I opened a Case to be resolved. You know who I'm talking about!. I've spent every day for 10 days trying to get some assistance to get my parcel. I have 2 more options to try and get my money back if I fail t get it. It's not looking good now for that. Be warned that it may be good when it's working ok, but any problems like mine will really frustrate you and be prepared for a lot of your time investigating, most likely without a result. There is no protection offered, despite what you read, as the Seller in the U.S. only has to prove it was delivered to the Shipping Centre in the U.S. for proof of delivery!!!.
  19. As Punch would say "That's the way to do it"... Did you find yours, buy another, or has it got your Dad's name on it? . I'm tempted to buy another Face Plate myself, as it saves time when doing repeat work and disturbing set ups etc.
  20. Very good example of your ingenuity Ian. I see this as an addition to keep your project updates 'On Track' so it doesn't't go ' Off the Rails' .
  21. Here you go Chris.... Briggs and Stratton 222698S (replaces 222698) . ....about £1.90 from Amazon
  22. Strange!. It look's like it split at the front where the spring retainer is located (no seam). Only leaks I know to have occurred on these is like what Chris (Showman) mentioned.....along the heat welded seams. Must have been a flaw, or wear?.
  23. Interesting process, and like Stormin mentions, I recall my Father experimenting with Water Injection on his Morris 8 Tourer and 100E in the very early 60s. I don't remember if it proved successful or not, but I suspect not, as it didn't seem become popular. .....................But then I was still playing with Meccano and building Airfix Kits to be aware of it.
  24. If you're not already familiar with them, welcome to the world of Speeds, Feeds and Depths of Cut. A whole range of ways to produce items you may need are now available to you. Enjoy!.
  25. Hope you find a spare Mark, just realised you had the Dash Tower mounted Black Tank on 'Bendy'.....just sold my spare one (reluctantly), so can't help. Worrying prospect if it becomes a trend.
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